Tips to Boost Customer Engagement for Your eCommerce Store in 2021

Customers are the backbone of every business. Obviously, the prime objective of any business is to earn profits by increasing sales. That’s why to increase sales; you will need potential buyers who can be repetitive customers of your business. 

In eCommerce, we can’t increase customer engagement quickly. Every new trend may distract people, which may fade away the previous one. The story is the same, be it eCommerce or any other business. 

So, how can we increase customer engagement in eCommerce? How can we stop people from switching from your website or jumping onto your competitors’ websites? 

Well, you are on the right post. Today, we will list out top ways that you can follow to increase customer engagement. Let’s start then. 

What is eCommerce Customer Engagement?

An emotional link between a brand and a customer is known as eCommerce customer engagement. A highly engaged customer buys, promotes, and even shows more loyalty. Offering exceptional experience is an essential component of our eCommerce customer engagement strategy

How do Customers Contribute in Increasing Revenue? 

As compared to an average one, fully engaged customers contribute more revenue. If you start with a robust customer engagement strategy, you may catch up with various opportunities to interact with more customers and develop strong relationships. The below statistics will state that customers play an essential role in boosting revenue. 

  • As per the predictions, by 2022, retail eCommerce sales will increase by about 14.6%, along with the expected growth of 18.7%
  • Moreover, by 2022, B2B eCommerce will grab $12 trillion in global sales.
  • Over the coming five years, B2C eCommerce sales are likely to increase by 50% and even more. 
  • Every year eCommerce is growing by 23%

Source: ReveChat 

Top Ways to Boost Engagement & Sales

We can increase conversion rates by enhancing the customer experience. So, let’s check out the best ways to improve the customer experience for your eCommerce store. 

Personalize Customer Experience

Today, personalization is winning the stage in every corner. Only personalized emails would not be sufficient. Even shoppers opt to have a personalized product of their choice and requirements. You would need to personalize the shopping experience all through the customer’s journey

For that, you can use a recommendation engine that will help you with personalized product recommendations depending on the user’s browsing and shopping history, his locations, etc. Besides, eCommerce stores can use discounts, exit intent pop-ups, abandoned cart messages, eCommerce chatbots and more. 

Improve Conversational Commerce with Bots

Today, digital customers are big fans of messaging channels, like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc. About 67% of customers prefer messaging apps to interact with a business

Integrating WhatsApp, messenger or other messaging channels with CRMs like Pipedrive , Salesmate or Zapier enhances conversational commerce by streamlining communication, personalizing customer interactions, and automating sales and support processes.

Source: ReveChat 

In the eCommerce world, Chatbots fit perfectly. You can deploy bots on eCommerce platforms to help customers quickly when they are in need. Bots offer a personalized experience, predicts the user’s intent, recommend the right products, and engage with customer 24*7

Use Cross-Selling Techniques

Besides other ways that assist in increase customer engagement, cross selling is very critical. It states that providing the users with more shopping options despite simply allowing them to leave. 

Offer a Customer Loyalty Program

Besides purchasing your products, you also want your customers to keep buying. eCommerce brands attain this by making their top customers feel special. You can do this by offering them valuable rewards through customer loyalty programs

You can craft a loyalty program that may offer your customers an incentive for purchasing more often. It can be of any form; in general, it’s a system that holds points that create enhanced buying power. 

Follow an Effective Content Strategy

Content marketing is vital to resolve the issues of shoppers. For that, you can include tips, videos, infographics, tips, blog posts, and more relevant to the products that you sell. You can also create podcasts. One of the benefits of podcasting is that they are easy to start, even with little experience.

Include Customer Reviews

For creating social proof, customer reviews would be best. They are the best ways to let the potential customers know best selling products and products with the best quality and good performance. Customer reviews are directly proportional to eCommerce website profits. By reading reviews, potential customers make their buying process more convenient and easier to decide. 

Make Checkout Process Easy and Short

A checkout process includes some specific steps a customer should take for completing his purchase. It’s the final step of an eCommerce website. In this step, a customer finalizes a product he wants to buy, confirms his shipping options, and at last provides payment. So, try keeping your checkout process simple, short, and offer a live chat option

Use Social Media Activities

eCommerce stores with a social media presence hold 32% more sales than those that don’t have. With a robust social presence, you can slice and dice the content you create and reach potential audiences. 

Source: ReveChat 

When you craft content according to their interest, they find it digestible and share it. For that, you need to post regularly on your social page, use engagement images, use social media monitoring tools, such as HootSuite, offer value, etc. 

Create Video Demonstrations

Video demos will help you boost your sales of featured, new, or popular items by crafting short reviews or promotional videos. You can follow different approaches to expand the program with more videos, and this way, you will know that video generates sales

Highlight Risk Reducers

Such texts relax the customers and help overcome objections, such as free returns, fast delivery, transaction security, free shipping, money-back guarantee, etc. These are usually a part of the homepage. Many visitors skip homepages and jump onto product pages directly. Be sure that such risk reduction texts may appear on product pages also. 

Provide Wishlists

Providing a wishlist would be an effective way to lower down cart abandonment rate and meet sales. Such wishlists allow merchants to know customers’ interests, motivate users to sign up for their accounts, etc. Some buyers usually forget about their wishlists. Here you can send them friendly reminder emails to encourage them to complete their purchases. 

Wrapping Up

Today, in this competitive world, it’s becoming tough to satisfy customers with exceptional product offerings. So, to stay competitive and ahead of the curve, you need to follow unique ways to enhance customer experience, resulting in improved conversion rates. 

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