How To Use Videos in Your eCommerce to Increase Sales

If you regularly use social networks, blogs, digital newspapers, or any other form of digital interaction, surely you will have noticed that, for a couple of years, everything is full of videos. 

They are generally short videos, less than 3 minutes, 1, and even, in many cases, just 30 seconds. Its purpose is very different since it can range from generating content that leads to a conversion in an online store, a subscription to a magazine or blog, or simply generating virality through social networks

The importance of using videos

The reason for this boom of mini videos is clear: They work very well. Video is an ideal channel to get sales since its audiovisual format focuses the attention of the users.

In fact, if you think about it, how many times have you stopped to play a commercial video that you weren’t even looking for in the first instance? Surely, many times, since the videos in eCommerce are the most viral contents that exist within the world.

Explainer videos are a very effective technique to show all the information about a specific product and demonstrate its benefits to consumers, especially beyond its physical characteristics, which is what the photos offer us.

People prefer to “see” rather than “read”, so this is the best strategy to retain customers in front of a screen and offer them your products or services in just a few seconds.

Reasons to use videos in your eCommerce

Without a doubt, this would be more than enough to convince you that you have to use videos in your eCommerce, but there are still more reasons:

Google likes the videos

When you do a search on Google, the page shows a combination of results that includes websites, images, news, maps, and videos, among others. This gives you an extra possibility of ranking, especially if you upload it to YouTube, which already has more than one billion users. They are extra original content, which helps you to give value to everything related to your online store.

Social networks like videos

82% of Twitter users watch video content. On Facebook, you can see more than 100 million hours of video per day. Putting a video on a LinkedIn campaign increases the chances of it being shared by 75%. 1 in 4 online shoppers use YouTube to search for a video related to the product they are considering purchasing. Videos are shared 1,200% more than the combination of text and link.

User Sovereignty

The consumer is free at all times, being able to decide whether to play the video or not when to put it on or when to stop it, whether to share it or not. This decision-making capacity gives an enormous value to this way of communicating since it provides the users with power.

Now that you have learned the video is already being introduced in all the communicative areas of society, it is time to focus on what, specifically, can bring to your online store.

How videos can be used in the eCommerce industry?

Most brands display their products online through one or several photographs taken from different angles, but even then, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish what the product really is. 

Videos to display products

If you take into account that the eCommerce video provides a 3D vision of the product, as well as its possible assembly or its application in a real context, it goes without saying that this greatly facilitates the work commercial and communicative, making the purchase become a boost when viewing the video.

This type of video is perfectly applicable to any type of online store, regardless of the sector in which it is specialized, since all products, whether clothing or construction material, are better appreciated in a format that allows viewing in context. It is essential that your customers know what your product consists of, what features it has and what it can offer them. If not, they won’t buy it!

Videos to explain

It allows customers to quickly understand the concept and operation of an offer, a service, a checkout process, or anything else that needs to be explained to the users.

An audiovisual presentation explaining, through images and moving texts, the operation of a specific aspect of your online store will not only help you convert more sales but also will bring dynamism to your entire online store.

Videos as a call to action and participation

The purpose of these videos is to capture user attention instantly. For this reason, the important thing is to use 15-30 seconds of video as a hook on those products or services that you want to show consumers.

The key to highlighting in this new video segment is not only in conciseness or aesthetics but also in good storytelling. You will have to think about the content and be able to tell something meaningfully in a few seconds. 

You will have to think about the content and be able to tell something meaningfully in a few seconds. Another way you can use videos as a CTA is by opting to embed YouTube channel on website.

A YouTube widget on website with a glimpse of trial and tutorials of your products will help your customer’s to buy from you.

Video tutorials

The tutorials are very important so that your potential customers know if your product is easy to use, what it looks like, and, in general, how the dynamics of operation is.

In this way, these videos offer you a good opportunity to gain followers who, suddenly, meet someone who teaches them to use the products.

Promotional videos

Of course, promotional videos are essential. They are the key to encourage the purchase of your products and focus on transmitting the shopping experience in your e-commerce. These videos should focus on causing an emotional reaction in the user and get them to buy on your website.

How to make videos for your online store?

I know what you are wondering. Yes, everything looks great, but you are not a graduate in audiovisual communication, nor have you done an image and sound module, nor an After Effects or Premiere course that allows you to do all this.

Do not worry; you live in the digital age, where there is always a broken one for a riot. 

Although you do not have much knowledge, you can find simple tools, for example, FlexClip, a free and powerful program for video creating and editing online. 

Mac OS:Users:gwh:Desktop:add-text.png

With FlexClip, you can create short videos using a simple drag and drop.

Video productivity tools can streamline video creation processes, reducing production time while maintaining high quality.

It has fantastic features such as compression capability, video splitting and the ability to add text. This program also allows you to add video effects, video transitions, audio tracks, voiceovers, etc. 


What do you think? Do you dare to embark on the world of audiovisual promotions for your eCommerce? In our view, it is something you will not regret and will reap results much faster than you think. Although you have a great handicap, which is that you take a long time to do them, but with everything we have told you, surely you no longer see it as an uphill task at the beginning of this article.

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