Top Web Design Agencies Did These 4 Things to Boost Their Business at The Beginning


Starting a web design agency can be challenging. With so many businesses focused on web design, it’s really hard to launch your agency and run a business successfully. After all, this is one of the fastest-changing industries at the moment. To keep up with this dynamic environment, web design agencies need to keep some things in mind from the very beginning.

How to ensure your agency started off on the right foot? Read our article and see what have successful web design agencies done to boost their business in the early stage while monitoring work from home productivity.

1. Build a Brand Strategy

The brand is one of the most important assets of web design agencies. Your products or services can be brilliant but without a clear brand strategy, it will be difficult to position yourself in the market and show what differentiates you from competitors. Moreover, the lack of brand strategy will lead to the inability to connect with your target audience. Brands affect our purchasing decisions, even when we’re not aware of it. That’s why it’s vital that you take your time and build your brand strategy before launching your business.

How to build a brand:

  • Determine your target audience
  • Research your competition
  • Name your key qualities and benefits
  • Create a stunning logo
  • Outline your brand voice
  • Integrate brand everywhere

2. Focus on Content Marketing.

Content marketing is not like any other marketing techniques as it allows you to fully show your expertise and knowledge in your niche. With regular content on your blog or on other platforms, you can slowly position yourself as an opinion leader who will provide their readers with useful tips, examples, case studies, trends, infographics, interviews, and so much more. There are so many benefits of content promotion on media platforms, such as generating organic traffic and elevating your standing in the niche.

Content marketing techniques:

  • Run a blog
  • Be a speaker at a local event
  • Be present on social media
  • Send engaging and creative newsletters

Guest blogging process:

  • Determine the topic and review it with the chosen platform
  • Follow their guidelines
  • Write an informative and engaging content
  • Review the article with the platform and agree on publishing

3. Stop Worrying About the Price.

Most web designers are already tired of cutting budgets and lowering their service prices. Trying to compete with all freelancers who are doing your job for a much lower price will not get you far. Stop worrying about it! Yes, there will always be clients who will choose price over quality but these clients are apparently not for you. Your knowledge, expertise, and creativity have its own price and that’s completely understandable as long as you’re delivering high-quality designs. If you’re constantly talking to the clients who are trying to decrease your prices, maybe it’s time to find another target audience!

4. Make Your Portfolio Visible.

In today’s competitive job market, having a portfolio is essential for showcasing your skills and accomplishments to potential clients and employers.

This applies to website design and other design fields, such as interior design. It is also important to have an interior design portfolio.

Your web design portfolio is your chance to demonstrate your design process, showcase your best work, and give potential clients a sense of your style and approach.

By making your interior design portfolio visible on your website, you can increase your chances of standing out in a crowded market and winning new business.

Regularly add new projects and showcase your latest work to keep your portfolio up-to-date and fresh.

How to start building your portfolio:

  • Offer to do some free work to get references
  • Ask your first clients to display your agency’s name on their website
  • Promote projects with content marketing

Successful young web design agencies to inspire

For web developers, their website is their main weapon in taking over the web design world. So make sure that not only your portfolio but also your website will demonstrate the talents of your agency. Here are few examples of doing it right.

In this competitive market, there are several web design agencies which have recently been launched but are already enjoying numerous clients, media attention, various prizes and international success. One of them is Norgram Studio, a Danish design director duo by Sebastian Gram & Mathias Høst Normark founded in 2016. From its start, they were tightly focused on design collaborations and in progressing the next generation of digital brands and experiences. Creating a completely innovative and different website ensured them numerous clients from different industries.

Another agency which was launched successfully is P22 Studios, founded in 2016 by designers from New York, Sydney, and Auckland, New Zealand. The agency produces its own in-house ventures but is working closely with other teams as well. What makes P22 Studios unique is their way of showcasing projects. When you visit their website, it seems minimalistic with a black-white combination but just by hovering over their projects, you will see a colorful full-page on your screen. Needless to say that numerous media platforms wrote about that innovative idea of showcasing projects.

Both of these agencies have used their website as a platform to showcase their skills and creativity, knowing that their clients will make a call mostly based on that. Missing the opportunity to demonstrate all your potential on your website is something you shouldn’t allow to happen. After all, that’s the place where everyone who is interested in working with you will check first. So make sure you start successfully!

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