In this blog, I will show you how to convert a Sketch design file into a layered Photoshop file within minutes using the simplest of the tools and methods. So that you can efficiently work on your digital asset management. For experimenting, I used Sketch as my primary UI design tool, it’s a really great tool and I would highly recommend it for all the designers out there. While I was thinking, this could be the best tool of all time, I encountered a huge roadblock.
While I was using Sketch, one of my client asked me for the UI design software in PSD format. But there was no option to do so directly from the Sketch application. I scanned the web, tried several sketch plugins, conversion tutorials, asked bizzilions quetions on forums, did everything to find a solution, and even tried exporting the sketch file to different possible formats like SVG but was getting no success.
Eventually, while exporting and converting I found a software that became my guardian angel and shown me the path to the best solution, i.e. Affinity Designer. I managed to use it as a converter for converting the Sketch file into the layered Photoshop file. The process involved copying of the sketch file into Affinity Designer and exporting(converting) it into layered PSD format.
Step -1 Download and Install Affinity Designer tool. Follow the video below for detailed instructions.
Step – 2 Open the Sketch file, Select the Artboard you want to convert and Copy it.
Step 3- Open Affinity Designer and paste the Sketch file.
There are two Options available to do so:
1. Ctrl + N (To create a new file) and then paste the earlier copied Artboard using Ctrl + V.
2. By clicking File > New from Clipboard.
As Artboard is already copied in clipboard, this process with directly paste it on the newly created file.
Step 4 – In the Affinity Tool, click on File > Export.

Step 5 – In the newly opened window, select the PSD from the list of available presets and hit Export.

Step 6 – Now you’ll get a window asking for the name and saving location for the file, modify the fields according to your preference.

Step 7- Now launch Photoshop and open the newly exported file in layered format.
Keep in mind that an illegal Photoshop version is likely to work incorrectly and you may fail to perform this simple action if you use such a program.
To ensure everything will function without problems, you need to initiate Adobe Photoshop Download for Windows 7 and higher from an official website only.
And there you have it folks, your Sketch Design is now converted into a Layered Photoshop File.

Nice blog.. Very useful…
I love the way, it has been explained. Looking forward to see more of you.
Great Article Suraj, I am now looking forward to your next Article i.e. How to Convert PSD files into Sketch 😉