Did you know the new logo for BBC was designed by Eric Gill, care to hazard a guess as to what would be the price for it? US$ 1.8 Million! Logos are expensive and extremely necessary for any business, in a recent survey conducted with 8-year-old kids 100% of the surveyed participants were able to recognize and match the correct logos to their corresponding brands. This is the kind of brand recognition every business strives for but not every business achieves, so in today’s article, we are going to take a look at a few ways in which you can get inspiration for a recognizable logo and create a beautiful looking logo for your business.

Before we start though, let us take a moment to understand what a logo is and what is the importance of a good logo. By definition, “Logos are symbols made up of text and images that help us identify brands.” By extension, a logo is a symbol we associate with a product or service. For example, when we think of Cola we instantly think of either Coke or Pepsi (Mostly Coke) or when we think of premium luxury vehicles the common association we have is the Tri-point Star Mercedes logo or the propeller-like looking BMW Logo.
Why are logos important and necessary for all businesses?
- Logos help to create and share your identity and beliefs.
- Logos help customers know and understand your business through a customer training program.
- Logos separates you from your competition
- Logos expedite the process of increasing Brand Loyalty
- Logos are omnipresent (with respect to the business)
- Honestly, logos look cool.
Let us now take a look at some of the ways you can get inspiration for your very own logo.
Study your Competition – See what your competitors are doing
A great place to start is by looking at what your competitors are doing, does the coffee shop besides yours seem to get more people wearing their own merch? Or if you are into the crypto industry, are there any NFT projects to keep an eye on? Is there a new ice cream place abuzz with activity in town? Look at what they are doing and look at what they are doing right.

Study and analyze what kind of design they have implemented in their brand messaging and see what you like about it, study any discernible pattern you may be able to observe like the use of geometrical or abstract shapes and try to come up with creative ways to use those in your own logo and brand marketing if they happen to catch your fancy.
Check out Other Designers – Examine Design Websites
You will find a myriad of ideas for unique logos by searching design websites like Dribble, Behance or Logo Moose. Check out what’s working, what do you enjoy looking at and what connects with you and then plan your design around what you see and enjoy.
Probing design websites is also a great way to find a designer you may like and want to commision your logo to. Do keep in mind though, digital artists don’t come cheap and getting a customized logo can be a very expensive investment. Design websites also act as an excellent way to get some design inspiration on the preliminary level.
Let Technology Help – Use an Online Logo Maker
Another way to get some inspiration is to use an online Logo maker, many of which use AI to produce logos aligned with your brand and business.
With such graphic design software, you can design a logo for free and the best thing is that you get about 10 different versions, each will have different types of fonts, designs, and shapes. With such graphic design software, you can create a logo for free.
You can also use these free versions to spark some ideas. If you see something you like you can then ask your designer to replicate and enhance it. Of course, if you are really happy with the designs you could just opt to buy one.
Social Media is your Ally – Check out Pinterest and Instagram
Pinterest, Tumblr, and Instagram are all great platforms for artists to showcase their talents as well as for people to find some inspiration for their own designs. Go follow some Instagram accounts like @logos.ai, @logoimport, @bmnicks et cetera on Instagram and let those creative juices flow to assist in finding inspiration for your very own design.
You will also be able to see how much or how little other people like a design thanks to the number of likes and engagement on the post by some other designer before you incorporate it to your own design sensibilities. So what are you waiting for? Go check out some cool accounts right away.
Go Old School and Let your creativity Run Wild – Doodle Away and try your hand at Freehand Drawing
Most of the times we end up overthinking when we have an unlimited access to creative tools, try to restrict yourself and confine your mind and see your creativity ooze out in form of beautiful designs on a pen and paper. Just randomly doodle and see where it takes you, I’m certain you’ll find your inspiration almost instantly.
It is possible that you will end up with pages and pages of random scribble but on a whole, it will make sense and you’ll be able to understand the bigger picture in your design. Run wild, Run free! Go crazy with a few hand drawings.
Be Receptive – Keep your eyes open
The best ideas seemingly come out of nowhere and hence you always have to be ready. Inspiration can strike anyone anywhere anytime without any intimation so always be alert and receptive and keep your eyes open to new experiences and visuals.
Take in all the elements from your surroundings and let your mind run free, once you have a good amount of data to work with eliminate the useless bits and narrow down what’s important to you to bring out the best design in you.
These were some of the best tips we have learned over the years now go follow these and get inspired to create your own beautiful brand design and don’t forget to share it with us in the comments below.
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