Improve Conversion Rates by Stop Making These Email Mistakes

Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach your audience and generate leads. But with so many companies sending out emails, it can be difficult to stand out. That’s why some marketers think they have to go over the top with their subject lines or send dozens of emails per day. However, there are a few simple things you can do to improve your email conversion rates without being annoying or trying too hard:

Don’t Send Out Too Many Emails

While it’s true that email marketing is a long-term strategy, it’s equally true that you need to work hard at keeping your audience engaged and interested in your content. The key to doing this? Sending out relevant emails on a regular basis using powerful and reliable email marketing software.

If you send too many emails, you risk annoying or frustrating your audience. If you don’t send enough, they may forget about you entirely—and then never come back when they’re ready for new products or services from your business. 

To avoid making these mistakes, we recommend sending an email every two weeks (or less frequently) during the first few months following signup; after that point, consider increasing frequency slightly until reaching around 2-4 times per month over the next several months before tapering off again as engagement starts to decline naturally due to lack of novelty/relevance issues

Don’t Send Out Too Few Emails

You’re not sending out enough emails.

You’ve been doing it for months and now you are sending out twice as many emails than before, but still nothing seems to be working. What could be the problem?

 To start with, you need to make sure that your readers are getting something of value from what you send them. This can be in the form of a blog post or some kind of useful resource like an e-book or a guide on how to do something specific that they have asked you about in previous communications with them (more on this later). 

If your content is not valuable enough then your subscribers will either ignore it altogether or unsubscribe from all future communications because they feel they are being spammed by an unappreciative sender who is wasting their time with generic messages that don’t provide any value! So consider sending emails with good content and don’t annoy the recipients and avoid being sent to the email spam folder.

Use Strong Subject Lines

A good subject line should be clear and concise. It should also be relevant to the content of the email, which is why it’s so important for you to know who your audience is. If there are multiple people in your audience, you should personalize each email based on different personas.

Finally, make sure that your subject lines don’t include any errors like misspellings or grammar mistakes; they’re an instant turn off for many people and will actually reduce your open rate!

Use Precise Call to Action

Your email recipients aren’t just going to be able to read your emails, enjoy them and then go about their day. You need those people to actually do something with the information you shared with them. A call-to-action (CTA) is that last thing you say to your audience before they leave the email. It tells them exactly what you want them to do next.

Call-to-actions should:

  • Be specific and clear
  • Be relevant to the message/topic at hand
  • Be actionable—tells readers exactly what they can do after reading the email (e.g., visit our website, download our app)
  • Be easy or simple for readers who may not have time in their busy days!

Don’t Overthink It: The best calls-to-action are short and sweet—no more than 10 words long!

Send Emails from A Real Name

We’ve all been there. You get an email and the sender’s name is a generic title like “customer service,” “support,” or “admin.” And you think to yourself, “Why would I trust these people?”

It doesn’t matter if they’re trying to sell you something or not—you should always use an actual person’s name in the sender field of your emails, especially when it comes time to make a purchase.

That said, using a real person’s name doesn’t mean that you have to put yours in there! There are plenty of other possibilities for your brand that don’t sound as fake and impersonal as some titles do:

  • [Your Name] ([email protected]) – This one works best when you want your customers to know who sent them the email but don’t want them thinking about how much money or time was spent on getting their attention (which might cause them not even bother reading). It also helps build rapport between both parties before any business talk starts happening; plus it shows confidence in your ability as an individual instead of just another group representative.
  • [Company Name] Support Team Member ([email protected]) – This option lets people know exactly who they’re talking to so they feel more comfortable asking questions later on down the line if needed (for instance: “Oh yeah! That was actually Jillian from our company!”). Alternatively, if there aren’t many support staff members then using this format would give off false impressions about being able to solve everyone’s problems right away without needing outside help at all times. Additionally, boosting your email domain’s credibility by securing it with DMARC.

Use Relevant Email Lists

Avoid using lists that don’t match your target audience. For example, don’t send the same email to a list of people who are interested in traveling and a list of people who are interested in banking.

Don’t use lists that are too large or small. If you have 500,000 subscribers but only 100 people open your emails, it’s probably because you’re sending to the wrong people. On the other hand, if you only have 5 fans but they’re all clicking on everything you post and commenting on every photo you post on instagram, it may be worth keeping them around!

Don’t use lists with too many segments or niches within them…but also don’t get rid of them completely either! You never know when some segment might be interested in what you’re selling right now – like maybe those “vegan yogis” will actually want some organic hemp shampoo after all?

Use HTML Messages

It’s a proven fact: HTML messages are more engaging to the user than plain text ones. They’re also more likely to be read and clicked on, which leads to higher conversion rates and conversions.

HTML messages are also better for sharing and engaging with other users. You can include links in your message for people who want more information or want to share it with others, which makes your brand seem more trustworthy and credible.

And when you use HTML email templates for bulk or newsletter emails, you don’t have to worry about formatting issues like making sure all paragraphs line up correctly or making sure there’s no extra space between paragraphs (which happens if you use Microsoft Word).

Your Message Should Not Have Dead Links or Broken Images

The first thing that happens when you send someone a broken link is that they get angry.

You can avoid this by keeping your message looking clean and professional, avoiding dead links and broken images, which are the most common ways of sending people to pages that don’t exist or don’t work. A page with a bad link will also confuse your reader and make them think twice before trusting you again.

On the other hand, if you provide good links in your emails, they’ll be more likely to come back for more information from you in the future!

Good Emails Need to Be Timely And Targeted.

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your business. It doesn’t matter whether you are doing email marketing for Shopify or for anything other Ecommerce platforms to reach your audience and generate leads. 

It’s an affordable, scalable way to reach customers with relevant messages at the right time, making it easy to repeatedly get your brand in front of the right people.

But while you may love email marketing, not all emails are created equal. In fact, some common mistakes that even experienced marketers make when sending out their emails. For example:

  • Sending cold emails when a prospect isn’t ready for one yet (or ever). This can be due to timing or simply because you haven’t built enough trust with them yet for them to feel comfortable sharing their information with you—and if they don’t share their information, then your lead generation efforts can fall flat because you’ll never get as far as getting people into a conversation with you by sending them offers through an email campaign!

If you don’t want to go ahead with email marketing on your own, you can also consult an expert email marketing agency to make things easier for you.


Email is still one of the best ways to market yourself and your business. Whether you are doing email marketing for Shopify, or any eCommerce store for that matter, the key to being effective with email is to make sure that you have a clear strategy and plan in place. If you’re not sure where to start, consider hiring an expert email marketing agency a who can help you build an email marketing strategy that works for your company.

About the Author

Ajitha Victor

Ajitha Victor is a Content Marketer at the TargetBay Marketing team. She loves creating content and inbound marketing. She loves reading and creative writing whenever she gets time and she never misses a chance to have a good conversation with someone over a cup of chai!

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